Roughly 9 in 10 online adults in the US worry about their privacy online at least sometimes. Those privacy fears extend to a range of popular online activities, such as online shopping and social media use.
Source: Truste Privacy Index
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Only 5% of Americans Think Companies Should Track Online Activity
Just 5% of American adults believe that companies should have the right to track their activities whenever they’re online, while an opposing 28% feel that companies should never be able to track their online behavior, according to survey results.
Source: Ipsos on behalf of Microsoft.
Source: Ipsos on behalf of Microsoft.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Traditional Media Still Most Trusted
Traditional media and online search engines are the most trusted general news information sources around the world, trusted by 58% of respondents to a new poll.
Source: Edleman Trust Barometer
Source: Edleman Trust Barometer
Friday, January 25, 2013
68% of Marketers Plan to Increase Data-Related Spending
68% of marketers play to greatly or slightly increase their data-related marketing expenditures In 2013.
Source: Info USA
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Millennials Spend More Time Online
Millennials (those ages 16-34) markedly increased their average internet consumption from the previous year, up 25% to 25 hours a week. Gen Xers (35-46) and Boomers (47-65) increased their average time to 26 and 27 hours per week, respectively, while Seniors (66+) held steady at 25 hours.
Source: WSL/Strategic Retail
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Family and Friends Most Trusted for Shopping Decisions
69% of consumers still look first to their friends and family for advice regarding their purchase decisions, finds a WSL/Strategic Retail survey.
Source: WSL/Strategic Retail
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Luxury Brand Shoppers Use Mobile
59% of luxury brand shoppers say they have used mobile devices to interact with a company.
source: ForeSee
source: ForeSee
Monday, January 21, 2013
Internet Users Search for Health Info
7 in 10 Internet users use the Internet to learn about health information. Most start with search tools like Google.
Source: Pew Internet
Source: Pew Internet
Friday, January 18, 2013
Smartphone Users Use More Date Than Tablet Users
Smartphone users eat up more data than tablet users, a finding that can be attributed to increasing consumption on smartphones and frequent use of tablets in WiFi areas rather than on cellular networks.
Source: Arieso
Source: Arieso
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Marketers Spending 12% on Content Marketing
Marketers are spending an average of 12% of their budgets on content marketing, according to results from an Ad Age survey conducted in late 2012 among close to 600 marketers.
Source: Ad Age
Source: Ad Age
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
77% of Americans Proud of Their Individual Freedoms
In a new survey, Americans who were asked how the US compares in a number of areas. 77% of respondents said that America’s individual freedoms are “the best” (32%) or “above average” (45%), while 65% said the same about the quality of life, and 55% about the opportunity for people to get ahead.
Source: Gallup and USA Today
Source: Gallup and USA Today
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
1 in 5 Americans Click on Paid Search Ads
Twenty-two percent of online Americans, or 1 in 5 say that they click on search engine ads reports a new survey.
Source: The Search Agency
Source: The Search Agency
Monday, January 14, 2013
Americans Spend More than 3 Hours a Day on Social Networks
Americans aged 18-64 who use social networks say they spend an average of 3.2 hours per day doing so, according to research released by a new poll.
Source: Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange.
Source: Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Consumers Spent $83 Per Day in December
Consumers reported spending an average of $83 per day in December in stores, online, and in restaurants (and excluding household bills and a home or car purchase).
Source: Gallup
Source: Gallup
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Households With Kids More Likely to Have Smartphone Engagement
Smartphone users with children under 18 in their household are more likely than those without to use their devices for a variety of activities, according to survey results from Harris Interactive.
Source: Harris Interactive
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Smartphone & Tablet Users to Spend More Time With Devices in 2013
New research from Prosper Mobile Insights shows that 34.7% of smartphone and tablet owners surveyed said they would spend more time this year with their devices, compared to just 5.7% who said they would tone it down a little.
Source: Marketing Charts
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Holiday E-Commerce Retail Grows by 14%
comScore has now released its final tally for November 1 – December 31, showing retail e-commerce spending up 14% from 2011, to reach almost $43 billion.
source: comScore
Monday, January 7, 2013
Print Readership Declines, E-Books Increase Popularity
The proportion of Americans over the age of 16 who report reading a printed book in the last 12 months has dropped to 67% (down from 72% a year earlier), while those who said they had read an e-book in the last 12 months rose to 23% (up from 16% a year earlier).
Source: Pew Research Center
Source: Pew Research Center
Friday, January 4, 2013
8 in 10 Americans Agree That Online Reviews Influence Purchases
Eight in 10 Americans agree that online reviews play a large part in helping them decide where or not to purchase a product.
source: IPSOS
source: IPSOS
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Latinos Are Trendsetting Shoppers
Latinos are trendsetting shoppers, according to a new study. Survey results indicate 41% of Latino shoppers follow trends as opposed to 18% of non-Latinos and 31% like to enjoy try new products first as opposed to 14% of non-Latinos.
Source: Lapiz and Leo Burnett Group
Source: Lapiz and Leo Burnett Group
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
1% of Domains Drive 70% of Referring Traffic
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